SOLD OUT! Taiwan's Ambassador Invites Us to a Chinese Banquet at Twin Oaks

HE Dr. Lyushun Shen, the Ambassador of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) has invited our Club to a dinner reception at the beautiful and historic Twin Oaks estate in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of DC.


Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 

All proceeds will benefit the Harvard Club of Washington, DC.

$45 members and their guests 


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Refunds of any kind are no longer possible. If you find that you can not attend an event, please find a substitute or consider all fees paid as a  charitable donation to the Harvard Club of Washington, DC. Your cooperation in this regard would be appreciated.    

Twin Oaks is an 18.1-acre estate located in the Cleveland Park neighborhood in Washington, D.C.. The historic residence, completed in 1888, was designed by Francis Allen for Gardiner Green Hubbard, founder and first president of the National Geographic Society and father-in-law of Alexander Graham Bell. Twin Oaks was listed in 1983 on the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites, was listed in 1986 on the National Register of Historic Places in western Washington, D.C., and is a contributing property in the Cleveland Park Historic District. The estate was the residence of nine Republic of China ambassadors to the United States from 1937 until 1979, when the United States switched diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China. Taiwan's government, currently represented by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington in place of an official embassy, continues to own the property and uses it for official receptions.


Date/Place of Birth:

12 November 1949 in Taipei, Taiwan 


Ph.D., International Relations, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (1981)
M.A., International Relations, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (1979)
L.L.B., National Chung-Hsing University, Taipei, Taiwan (1972)
Honorary Ph.D., International Affairs, Park University, Missouri, USA (1993) 

Professional Experience: 

Representative (Ambassador): Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S.(2014/04/01~) 

Representative (Ambassador): Taipei Representative Office in the U.K. (2011/12/15~2014/03/31) 

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, ROC (2009/10/21 – 2011/12/14) 

Representative: Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium (2008–2009) 

Director-General (Title of Ambassador conferred): Délégation Culturelle et Economique de Taipei - Bureau de Genève (2003 – 2008) 

Deputy Representative: Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) (1999-2003) 

Director-General: Department of North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan (1996-1999) 

Director, Public Affairs (Congressional Liaison) Division: Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) – Formerly CCNAA (1994-1996) 

Director, Secretariat (Political Affairs) Division: Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA), Office in USA (1993-1994) 

Director-General: Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA), Office in Kansas City, USA (1991-1993) 

Senior Specialist and Chief of the First Section: Department of North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan (1988-1991) 

Staff Consultant for Congressional Liaison: Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA), Office in USA (1982-1988) 

Visiting Adjunct Professor of International Studies: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas USA (1992-1993) 

Research Associate: School of Law, University of Maryland, Baltimore USA (1981-1982), and concurrently Executive Editor, Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs 

Pre-Doctoral Fellow: Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), Philadelphia USA (1980-1981) 

Other Activities: 

Albert Einstein Medal for Peace, 1st Class, presented by the Republic of Malta, 9 October 1992 

Delegate, International Young Leaders Seminar, Hamburg and Berlin, Germany (1989) 

Member, Taiwan Delegation, Taiwan-US Comprehensive Trade Consultation, Taipei, Taiwan (1989) 

Delegate, Pacific Conference on Privatization and Investment, Fiji (1987) 

Member, Taiwan Delegation, Taiwan-US Consultation on the Importation of US Tobacco and Wine  Products into Taiwan, Washington, DC (1986) 

Advisor, Republic of China Delegation to the 18th Annual Convention of the Asian Development Bank, Bangkok, Thailand (1985) 

Delegate, Conference on Asia-Pacific Security, Seoul, Korea (1984) 

Delegate, National Development Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan (1981) 


“The Republic of China’s Perspective on the US Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988," The Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, 1989 

“The Issue of US Arms Sales and Peking’s Policy toward Taiwan” (Taipei: San Min Bookstore, 1986) 

“Is Peking’s Claim over Taiwan Internationally Recognized?” Monograph Series of the Asia and

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