The Ambassador of haiti, HE Paul G. Altidor Has Invited Us!

Join fellow Harvard Club members and guests on August 8 at the Embassy of Haiti

amb_altidor-212x300Agenda (Tuesday, August 8th)

  • 6:30 - 6:45 pm   Registration
  • 6:45 - 7:15 pm   Talk by HE Paul G. Altidor
  • 7:15 - 7:30 pm   Q&A
  • 7:30 - 8:30 pm   Dinner Reception

Poulet Creole (Haitian chicken), Baked fish a l’haitienne, Griot (fried pork)
Riz National (rice & beans), Salade trois couleurs (green beans, carrots, beets), Salade verte mixte (green salad with fruit) 
Haitian cake (gluten free), Haitian rum
This event is limited to Harvard Club members and their guests.  $45/person
The event has been sold out.

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Ambassador Altidor Biography

Known for his innovative and strategic leadership with extensive background in the private sector, Paul Getty Altidor was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Haiti to the United States on January 2012 and presented his credentials to President Barack Obama on May 2.

Ambassador Altidor spent his early years where he was born in Jérémie, Haiti. He attended primary school in Jérémie then studied at the Centre d’Etudes Secondaire in Port au Prince. His family later moved to Boston where he completed his secondary education. Ambassador Altidor received his undergraduate degree from Boston College. He earned an advanced degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and also pursued graduate studies in law and economics at the University of Paris X, in France. Before assuming office, Ambassador Altidor was Vice President at the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund in Washington, D.C.

Ambassador Altidor has an extensive private sector background. As a management consultant, he counseled firms in different countries on corporate governance and responsibility. In the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, Ambassador Altidor led a team of professors and researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Community Innovators Lab down to Haiti. At the request of Haitian authorities, the team provided guidance to reconstruction officials on housing policy and financing.

Prior to the earthquake in Haiti, Ambassador Altidor worked at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) where he advised governments on infrastructure projects and public-private partnerships. He has also worked for the World Bank. Ambassador Altidor has taught at Ecole Supérieure Catholique de Droit de Jérémie (ESCDROJ), a law school in his native town of Jérémie, and he is a frequent speaker at universities in Haiti and the United States.

As one of the youngest appointed Ambassadors in Washington and a former coach, Mr. Altidor takes a special interest in seeing young men and women reach their best potential. Outside of work, you can find His Excellency on a soccer field partaking in a competent match and connecting with local athletes.

Ambassador Altidor has dedicated his tenure to shifting the narrative of Haiti towards a more constructive approach. Most recently, he initiated a number of series to offer the diverse members of the Washington community an opportunity to rediscover Haiti and all it has to offer.

haitiAbout the Venue
Originally a private residence,the Gilbert Fahnestock mansion was completed in 1910. The semidetached building was designed in the 18th century French manner. Finely crafted academic details are combined to form a scheme that is harmonious and crisply delineated. The architect was  an American, Nathan C. Wyeth, who is best known for designing the West Wing of the White House, creating the first Oval Office. He designed a large number of structures in Washington, D.C., including the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the Potomac River, the USS Maine Mast Memorial, the D.C. Armory, the Tidal Basin Inlet Bridge, many structures that comprise Judiciary Square, and numerous private homes—many of which now serve as embassies. He also co-designed the Cannon House Office Building, the Russell Senate Office Building, the Longworth House Office Building, and an addition to the Russell Senate Office Building.

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6:30PM - 8:30PM Tue 8 Aug 2017, Eastern timezone


The Embassy of Haiti
2311 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008

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