Harvardwood Presents: A Conversation with Novelist Vinod Busjeet, HBS DBA '80

Harvardwood is pleased to welcome Washington, DC Harvard Club Members at the Harvardwood Price!

“The beauty of Vinod Busjeet’s splendid, often breathtaking book is, like the best stories of journeys to young adulthood, the precious and well-observed and heartbreaking details of day-to-day life.” -- Edward P. Jones, author of The Known World, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Join Harvardwood for a craft chat between Washington, DC authors Vinod Busjeet and John Adam Wasowicz!



Vinod was born in Mauritius, a multiracial island east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. A first-time novelist, he holds a DBA degree from Harvard Business School. In his 29 year career in economic development, finance and diplomacy, he has held positions at the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation and the Embassy of Mauritius in Washington, DC.

Vinod will speak with John Adam Wasowicz. John holds an MPA degree from the Harvard Kennedy School. He is an attorney and the author of four legal mysteries featuring Mo Katz as the fictional U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. His latest mystery, Roaches Run, is available here.

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