white_houseSeptember Saturday Social - Tour the White House (Registration closes on 6/17 at 5 pm)

Join the Harvard Club of Washington DC, Harvard Alumni for Education Shared Interest Group (HAEd) and Living Classrooms, a Baltimore based non-profit that works with returned citizens, for our fifth Saturday Social.

The fifth event in our series will take place on Saturday, September 8th and will consist of a tour of the White House.  To register for this event, you must contact organizer, Vanessa Beary (beary@post.harvard.edu) by 5pm on Sunday, June 17th.  She will send you our group's registration link.  This tour is limited to a maximum of 20 Harvard Alumni and their guests.  The time of the tour on 9/8 is TBD.


saturday-social---smallOn March 3rd, we successfully launched #saturdaysocials, an ongoing monthly volunteer opportunity for Harvard Alumni to serve alongside citizens returning to society. Living Classrooms is a non-profit organization committed to strengthening communities and inspiring people to achieve their potential through hands-on education and job training. One such initiative provides ongoing support to aid formerly incarcerated individuals in adjusting and returning to their community. The "re-entry" initiative focuses on providing marketable work skills and experiential learning for these individuals who are struggling to succeed against terrible odds. Interested in learning more about this collaborative volunteer opportunity, please contact  communityservice@harvard-dc.org.


9:00AM - 5:00PM Sat 8 Sep 2018, Eastern timezone


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500 United States

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