TO BE RESCEDULED: Create a Succulent Dish Garden and Enjoy a Tex-Mex Buffet dinner w/Wine&Beer

Our instructor Kathy Phelan welcomes participants of all ages. This workshop is being offered at a fraction of the usual cost and includes all materials. Everyone will complete a lovely centerpiece garden.

Please join us as we learn the ins and outs of dish gardening. We will create a  lovely dish garden in a terra cotta saucer. All materials  are included.

$55 for members and their guests/$75. for non-members 

click here to register:


 Workshop Description – Create a Southwest Terrarium

It is easy to understand why succulents have become so popular in recent years. In addition to being widely diverse and very beautiful and interesting they are very easy to care for and thrive in most household conditions.

Join us for a hands-on workshop to design and create your own succulent terrarium. Kathy Phelan of Outdoors In will explain the mechanics and design elements of planting your unique arrangement and will be on hand to assist. She will also give you instructions on placing your terrarium in your home and caring for it so that you can enjoy it for a long time.


Kathy Phelan’s love of growing plants started in childhood while helping her father tend his rose and vegetable gardens. As an adult she joined the garden club and took many floral design and plant cultivation workshops. She began cultivating houseplants about a decade ago and became interested in succulents after a visit to an amazing exhibition of living sculptures at the Montreal Botanic Garden. After receiving many rave reviews from friends she gave succulent terrariums to as gifts she decided to take her show on the road and now sells her one of a kind creations at farmers markets and flea markets in the area and presents hands-on workshops on creating and caring for terrariums.

Refunds of any kind are no longer possible. If you find that you can not attend an event, please find a substitute or consider all fees paid as a  charitable donation to the Harvard Club of Washington, DC. Your cooperation in this regard would be appreciated.